A group of friends and enemies alike must fight to survive the war engulfing their homeland.
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This is the work you'd have to do before your post to figure out whether or not you managed to beat your opponent safely or whether you had to heal at any point or escape because it went horribly against you. This was using the dice system and percentage rates which are standard with no Biorhythm from FE9 or FE10 to get in the way and no terrain bonuses.
Starting Exp: 58
Weapon Equipped: Oragiell
HP: 19
Str: 7
Mag: 0
Skill: 6
Speed: 6
Luck: 5
Def: 4
Res: 0
Hit: 107%
Evasion: 16%
Attack Strength: 14
Critical Rate: 3%
Critical Evade: 4%
Weapon: Iron Axe
HP: 25
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skill: 6
Speed: 2 (4 initially, but - 2 for speed penalty since the axe weighs 10 and he has only 8 Str)
Luck: 0
Def: 5
Res: 0
Hit: 87%
Evasion: 4%
Attack Strength: 16
Critical Rate: 3%
Critical Evade: 0%
Blaze attacks first:
Attack Accuracy: (Blaze hit% - Enemy Evasion%) 103% (automatic hit, no dice roll required)
Blaze attacks
Enemy HP = 25-10 (10 due to weapon triangle advantage) = 15
Enemy Attacks:
Attack Accuracy: (Enemy Hit% - Blaze Evasion%) 71%
(Dice Roll = 91, miss because it's over the 71% range)
Blaze attacks
Enemy HP = 5
Next Phase
Enemy Attacks
(Dice Roll = 94, miss) (And yes that is what I happened to roll so don't think I did that just to keep Blaze safe)
Blaze attacks
Enemy HP = 0
Blaze wins the fight!
Blaze gains 12 weapon experience for his 3 attacks since Oragiell is considered Rank E even though it's not listed on the profile. He gains a total of 6 points per round which did not kill the enemy and gained 30 for killing the enemy for a total of 42 experience. Blaze leveled up!
HP: +1
Str: +1
Mag: +0
Skill: +0
Speed: +1
Luck: +1
Def: +1
Res: +0
Resulting Stats:
HP: 20
Str: 8
Mag: 0
Skill: 6
Speed: 7
Luck: 6
Def: 5
Res: 0
Battle Over!

KumoriRyuu - Member for 2 years
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